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We make more from one trunk.

Boules are produced from higher quality round timber (earth logs). Here, the log is cut without pre- and post-cutting or subsequent trimming. The dimensions are determined on the basis of the average width of the individual log sheets. Logs are mainly used for interior fittings or as joinery.

We offer boule planks in thicknesses from 27-100 mm. The usual lengths here are 4.50 m and 5.00 m.

The boules can be supplied either fresh or dried.

For discerning furniture makers – knotless sides.

The knotless sides are produced from knot-free and dent-free logs. The quality requirement here is that at least one side must be knotless and crack-free. A curvature of 2 cm per running metre is also permitted.

Knotless sides are mainly used in furniture construction, as the desired wood grain is particularly emphasised here. If the knotless sides are knotless on both sides, they are also used to produce mouldings.

We produce the sides in thicknesses of 26 – 50 mm. The usual lengths here are also 4.50 m and 5.00 m.

Just like the boules, the knotless sides can also be supplied fresh or dried.

Echtle is involved in the association for the sustainable promotion and conservation of silver fir. Find out more at

The Echtle power plant fulfils the ISO 50.001 standard, a sustainable energy management system.

We are certified with the PEFC seal for wood products from sustainably managed forests.